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"The Cost of Dental Implants"

Restoring your smile is a process that’s personal & precise – which is why the cost of dental implants varies

Highly Specialized Treatment


In the long term, the cost of dental implants is relatively CHEAPER

Dental Implants: Quality Dental Investment

Dental implants are a long-term investment to replace missing teeth which are relatively cheaper than old-style dentures (removable dentures & bridges). This is because old models of dentures have the risk of requiring repeated replacement, which will waste money and your valuable time. The comfort and longevity of dental implants is commensurate with the cost you invest.

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One Cost, No Surprise Fees


The price of dental implants varies according to your condition. Plus the installment program is very easy and more economical. Get a FREE consultation with our dentist online or directly at Dental Implant Indonesia.


Explore Payment Options

Here in Dental Implant Indonesia, we'll make everything easier and comfortable for you. Some of our partnership, promos, and payment options are available here:


Dental Implants Cost: Third-Party Financing and Payment Plans

We understand how important it is to be able to restore your dental health and your confidence with a long-term solution. That’s why we offer third-party financing options and work with you on payment plans to fit your budget. At your free consultation, you’ll review all the options available to you.

“It didn’t just enhance my personal life; it enhanced my professional life. I can never put a price on what the teeth have done for me.”

– Dave, 40 years old

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants offer many advantages that help patients regain dental function, restore appearance, and enjoy long-term value.


Restores Original Function of Teeth

Dental implants restore the chewing efficiency of having natural teeth. This allows you to enjoy your favorite foods deliciously and without pain.


Long Lasting Replacement Teeth

Dental implants are resistant to decay, if dental implants are cared for properly they can last a long time or even last a lifetime.


Improve Appearance & Confidence

If you lose teeth, your jawbone starts to shrink and makes your face look older. Dental implants can stop this process and restore your self-confidence.



Dental implants reduce the discomfort caused by wearing dentures. You don't need to cover your mouth when you laugh because you're afraid your dentures will fall off.


Improve Speaking Ability

Dental implants will allow you to speak clearly and sound naturally, just like when you have natural teeth.


Why Choose Dental Implant Treatment at DENTAL IMPLANT NDONESIA?

1.Minimal / No Pain
Using PMRS system


2.Minimal Risk of Failure 
Dental implant planning process assisted by digital analysis


3.Expert & Experienced Dentist Team
Has successfully handled more than 1,000 dental implant cases with satisfactory results


4.Faster & More Accurate
Using the most modern tools, including a 3D digital laser lab


5.Handled by a Specialized Dental Implant Doctor Team 
Your dental implant is handled by more than one doctor (a team of specialized doctors) who have been trained / experts in handling dental implant cases and have been trained at home and abroad including at Harvard University USA.


6.Quality Dental Implant Materials & Tools
Using implant materials & tools produced in the USA and Korea and have been used in more than 70 countries and have international standard certificates & BP POM RI licenses.


7.Using International Sterilization Standards
Sterilization standards on packaging, pre & during dental implant procedures

Apakah IMPLAN GIGI cocok bagi Anda?

Schedule a free, no obligation consultation online today.

Dental Implant Indonesia

1. Klinik Gigi Senyum Ceria (Grand Wisata Bekasi)

Ruko Boulevard Grand Wisata Bekasi Blok, Blk. AA9 No.25, Lambangjaya, Kec. Mustika Jaya, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17158

2. Klinik Gigi Senyum Ceria (cabang Bintaro)

Bintaro Jaya, Ruko Kebayoran Arcade 1 Blok C1 No 18, sektor 7, Pd. Jaya, Kec. Pd. Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15224


3. Klinik Gigi Senyum Ceria Lippo Cikarang


Ruko Plaza Menteng Lippo Cikarang, Samping Bank Capital, Jl. MH. Thamrin A No.20, Cibatu, Cikarang Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17550

4. KLINIK GIGI SENYUM CERIA (Cabang Mall mentropolitan Bekasi) 


Mal Metropolitan, Mall Metropolitan Bekasi (Mall, RT.008/RW.002, Pekayon Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17148


5. Klinik Gigi Cheerup


Ruko Grand Plaza, Jl. Galuh Mas Raya No.23, Sukaharja, Telukjambe Timur, Karawang, Jawa Barat 41361

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